A Video Of My Son Singing.

A few things about this video:

  1. Yes, he’s playing with Q-tips. I don’t have an excuse to give you for that. 
  2. “Mumu” is Pookum, which is funny because if she could, she would definitely wear a mumu.
  3. The song he’s singing is “The Goodbye Song” they sing at school. He loves it. 

(Do people like this sort of thing? Or does it border on that-one-annoying-coworker-that-sends-out-too-many-emailed-pictures-around-of-their-kids?)


  1. This is absolutely not annoying! You and Emory just made my day. Meow! So cute.


  2. I love this sort of thing! I like to post toddler videos on my blog too – they just cheer people up. How can you not smile?


  3. I love this sort of thing as well. It is totally adorable.


  4. Cute and definitely NOT annoying. These kind of videos – anything with kids or cats – make me smile.

    Nice job Emory!


  5. Annoying? No, not even close. Entirely adorable? Yes.

    I love how his “meow” is so authentic. He’s not just saying “meow” – he’s making the noise like a sound effect, if that makes any sense.


  6. Hey, he’s tweeting already! Twitter is truly taking over the world.


  7. I especially appreciate the “I Want to Rock” t-shirt, since he is, indeed, rocking out.


  8. Only way it’s annoying is through my being insanely jealous. I wish my son talked as much and as well as yours.


  9. Not one bit annoying.. It makes me full of happy.

    Also, I will now be singing the Goodbye Song all… day… long.



  10. Not annoying at all. It’s adorable.


  11. This people likes this sort of thing. Definitely.


  12. My fifteen month old son Bruce and I just watched this, it made me smile and him giggle, thanks for sharing such sweet, sweet moments :)


  13. can i have that roar as a ringtone please? okthxbye.


  14. I also think it is adorable and not annoying. But then again, I am feeling quite broody lately, so my ol’ biological clock may be controlling my emotions!

    I love it when kids do the animal sounds thing. Our nephew came to visit (with his parents!) and we spent hours making animal noises. So cute.


  15. 100 percent not annoying. i miss my son so much while at work all day and getting to watch emory is like a treat. i know i’ve said this probably way too much already but they are very similar and are at the same stage so getting to hear the animal noises is a nice moment of my day. thank you for sharing.


  16. man. videos of em are the best. they cheer me up like nothin else.


  17. HAHAHA..I love it. Thanks for sharing this video! So not annoying at all!


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