The Contents of mihow: An Autobiography of Songs

(songs will not appear in chronological order)

mihow is 19. She lives in a house on Buckhout Street in State College with 4 other people. She bought home the new Pavement CD and listens to it often while playing cards and sipping drinks with her friend, Soung. They sing along. Loudly. (Specifically the final verse). She thinks she’s in love with a boy but it turns out she just wants someone to sing this to her in a park (specifically the final verse) even if he calls her empty. And she wants the boy to build her a lamp like he did that other girl. Here is a snapshot. (3 mgs)


  1. Everyone scrolls down. No matter how much you ramble. We love it.


  2. Not that I think you ramble…ah, shit. I didn’t mean that. ;)


  3. I do ramble. I do. That’s ok, babe.

    Megan, from where do you write from?


  4. Nah, no you don’t.

    Right now, I’m waiting for the movers to bring my crap to my new apartment (which comes on Friday.) I moved to Chicago. I’ve had a few interviews set up here and there. In the meantime, if worse comes to worst and I don’t get a job (due to shitty economy) I’m taking a bartending course tonight “responsible beverage service” (basically I think they certify you so don’t roofie someone), and will do that until the right job comes along. And that’s my saga.


  5. i always scroll. always.


  6. i love that song…

    “so drunk, in the august sun, and you’re the kind of girl i like, because you’re empty, and i’m empty, and you can never quarantine the past”


  7. See? Now where were YOU when I was 19?



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