1. Murray and Em remind me of my kitty and boy! Bella and Jack are their names. Bella also loves to chillax in the high chair.

    My cat hates adults. She’ll give you a warning bite as soon as look at you, and shirks away from all adult petting except my husband and me (even we are not immune to her nasty moods.) But she is so completely cool with my kid. It is astonishing. He is 11 months, and sometimes he gets fistfuls of her hair in his hands and yanks before I can get there to rescue her. She just goes with the flow. It is pretty cool.

    The dog, on the other hand . . . he suffers a bit more from jealousy. Him, we have to work on.


  2. Adorable.

    Somehow, our pets know that kids are just kids, and to be gentle with them.


  3. love those meow sounds…and how aloof murray is. cats are so damn cool. that boy of yours gets more gorgeous every time i see his picture. adorable. annie will love to watch when she gets home from school today.


  4. Oh, that makes me so happy! Yay for your little guys.


  5. My 3 year old (who desperately wants a kitty of his own!) has made me watch this 7 times!! So cute!


  6. Oh just stop with the cute assault, whydoncha!


  7. I love the face Murray is giving Em at the beginning. SO funny!


  8. i want a baby and a gentle kitty.


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