The New York Post Project

A few months ago I started a project called The New York Post Project. The pictures can be seen on Flickr as well as on here. I have had one rule all along: do not under any circumstances say anything cruel about the people in my photographs. You can diss me all you want, but leave them be.

The set has now seen almost 2,000 visitors and I’m not sure where they’re coming from, as I do not advertise the link, nor do I send it to friends. But lately, somehow, people have begun to find it. This makes me happy but sadly people have begun leaving nasty comments, which I deleted as quickly as possible.

I love Flickr. I really do. My only complaint is the fact that a member can’t turn off comments. (At least that I can find.) Apparently there is a way, I just have to figure out how.

It could just be my hormones speaking. I’m not sure. But it really bums me out that there are so many people online who are so willing to be cruel. I just don’t understand. Why take the time to write something so mean about a complete stranger?

All that said if anyone has any suggestions as to what I should do with this project I’m all ears. I really enjoy doing it. Perhaps I’ll find a more permanent home for it, a place where people can’t leave comments or maybe Flickr could give us the option for turning them off?


  1. Oh, that completely sucks. I really looked forward to seeing your daily photos.

    People are just stupid sometimes.

    Happy last day at work. ;)


  2. For those of you who saw the original post here, I changed it. Tobyjoe said not to delete the set.

    I just get so pissed off. Why ruin a nice thing? If you don’t like it, go away. Damn.


  3. I’ve enjoyed your New York Post project very much but I’m not surprised about the comments you’re getting. Unfortunately that’s the nature of Flickr commenters sometimes. As for where all the traffic is coming from, your project was featured on the Flickr blog yesterday.


  4. Oh. Thank you, Michelle. I had no idea. I’m really happy about the traffic (truly flattered), I just wish folks were nice. :[ The comments have been deleted but I will have to keep a close eye on them from this point forward.


  5. That sucks. I hate the people feel they can leave obnoxious/cruel comments online just because they can be anonymous. I also think people get more bold when behind their computer screens.

    You could mark the photos ‘friends only’ and that would solve the problem, wouldn’t it?


  6. You can turn off comments on photos… i had accedently at one point and wondered why nobody loved me :P

    You can do it in Organize under “permissions” for exiting photos… or here for the default settings:

    not sure if there’s an easy way to handle settings for just the project photos though


  7. Wow! No shit! Thank you, Chris. I had a feeling that had to be an option. I’ll look into adding it only to the set. Thanks again! And yay flickr!


  8. I love your NY Post photos. I would not have the guts to actually go up to people and ask them if I could take their picture…I guess I am kinda chicken in that way….
    I am not surprised that people would make stupid comments like you mentioned…People suck sometimes.
    I am wondering though, has anyone from the NY Post contacted you about your project? I am just curious as to what their reaction might be is all.


  9. I have not contacted them yet nor have that contacted me. I plan on it at some point. Not sure how to go about doing so and I’m not sure what I will say. I wanted a bunch before taking that step. :]

    They look wonderful printed out, however. I’m really quite pleased with the project. I really enjoy talking to strangers. NYers can be quite kind contrary to popular belief.


  10. You’re ugly and so are your parents!


  11. From my own little myopic point-of-view, I think you should create a separate photoblog for this project on its own domain. In my head I see something similar to this project:

    I have to say that I love your NY Post project. It’s like a little time capsule of how we all lived way back in the early 21st century. You’ve got the newspaper and also the interesting portraits of the people holding them.

    I’d love to see this on its own easy-to-remember domain with it’s own RSS feed. You can turn off comments for the reasons you mention above. I’m sure you’ll eventually have to worry about being interviewed by various newspapers and things, because people will love this.

    It’s such a good project.


  12. Thank you, Brandon. Honestly, coming from you this really means a lot.


  13. What I love about the project is that each picture suggests a happy, friendly moment between two strangers as you explain your project and ask to take their picture. I love it. Every picture is a tiny testament to the goodness in people.


  14. That’s why I love it, Charlie. These people become really special to me. That’s why I take such a great offense when someone writes something less than wonderful.


  15. I dunno……isn’t lesson #1 of the internet, that you can’t [for the average un-code-savvy blahblahblah human being] “edit” something once it’s posted somewhere? I mean other than here [where of, course, you’re the queen of your castle………….and Tobyjoe is obviously well-versed in the Black Arts of innumerable computer programs related to making sure machines talk to, visualize, etc.etc. each other properly]. Y’all weren’t particular nice to the bimbo popping “action” pics in the center of the NYC marathon [which displayed a great number of biases unrelated to her being at the wrong place at the erong time and not possessing the self-awareness to grasp that] but now you want everyone to “play nice” when it’s your baby posted on another unregulated site………it just seems a little lopsided cyber-karma……my 02 cents


  16. I think there’s a big difference between calling someone on their rude behavior and actually displaying rude behavior by way of comments.

    Also my .02.


  17. This comparison would only work if someone had said rude shit about me and I complained about it. I’m not asking that people be nice to me. call me ugly, call me rude, whatever. I asked that people not leave shitty comments about the people I shoot. They are, after all, strangers.

    Notice I didn’t delete anything critiquing my actual photography, only the bit attacking my subjects.

    And to be honest, i don’t think I was rude to the gal taking pictures at the marathon. i didn’t call her names. I merely stated that she was out of line. I do not make a habit out of calling people (even strangers) names on the Internet.


  18. I love the New York Post set. Showing real people… there’s so little of that these days. Jesus, sound like I’m 90.


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