Proof: The Chub and my lack of composure.

Not that any of you thought I was joking about the chin and all.

Hey, you try cramming four people into a photobooth. :]


  1. I recognize todd and aaron and michele, ut who is the other cracker? one of the gregs? looks maybe like greg m?


  2. It is indeed Mr. Greg. He looks quite pleased with the smooch from Mr. Tarr, too. That was an interesting night. We went bowling and I threw a Turkey. Not a real Turkey but the three strike variety. I then threw about 14 gutterballs.


  3. The one thing I don’t understand is how we rearranged ourselves. I wonder if they remember. Hmmmm


  4. It’s hard enough getting four in the booth, but we got OUT between each photo and got back in in a different order!
    Dunt, Dunt, Dunt-Da-Dunt, Dunt. DooodleeeDoooooo.


  5. Why was Toby Joe not saying anything? Was it because you were restricting the blood supply to his groin squishing him against the back of the photobooth like that?

    Ya’ll look awfully cute, BTW.


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