Curious George: A Bad Role Model For Our Children.

I don’t usually go around blaming outside influences for my child’s behavior. I promised myself years before becoming a mother that I wouldn’t become that mother. But this time I simply can’t hold back. Curious George must be stopped.

I’m annoyed that he hides behind a guise of curiosity. I don’t see a curious monkey, I see a stupid monkey, one that teaches our children it’s OK to be ignorant, bigoted, cruel and irresponsible.

It’s even worse because a lot of children really like bananas and I think sometimes (for them especially) the line between “Human” and “Monkey” is blurred and so they start acting like monkeys. And if this is going to be the case—with the bananas and all—I think we need a more educated monkey for our children.

It’s time that mothers everywhere come together and put an end to Curious George. We need to collectively stomp our designer shoes and scream that we’ve had enough. (Gather up the nannies too, we need all the help we can get!)

No more George!

Exhibit A: George acts carelessly and dangerously.

When asked what George rides around his room, we are told he rides a ball. (See below.)

My son will most definitely give this a try if given the chance. And whenever he falls off said ball, we’ll have George to thank for it. Does this mean I can’t go out and buy him a large ball? Thanks, George. He’s a boy. All boys need their balls.

Exhibit B: George hangs out with strange men.

Who is the “Man In The Yellow Hat”? Does this man have a name? He shows up twice out of the four Curious George books I own. George gets into a blue car with him, he even lets this man talk him into going to the moon. (Is that a euphemism?)

And he wears knickers. NEVER trust a man in knickers!!!!!!!

And while we’re on the subject of strange men, who is Professor Wiseman? I think I heard that name used on a recent episode of “Law and Order SVU”. Got news for you, creeps, adding “Professor” to the front of your name isn’t not going to make me (or anyone else for that matter) trust you.

While on the playground, please be on the lookout for any strange men wearing yellow hats and knickers. It’s a perfect disguise, one our kids have come to trust. This is just like the media letting terrorists know exactly where to find our least secure targets.

Curious George is a terrorist to our children.

Exhibit C: George is a pusher.

I don’t know about you, but this mother DOES NOT let her child eat cake or sugar of any kind. Curious George keeps cake around the house and that sets a terrible example. When I read that part to my son, I immediately had to explain what “cake” is. “What’s cake, mommy?” Naturally, I lied and told him that “cake” is fish food.

Lying is OK if it’s about God, sugar or sex.

Also, who uses cake to catch fish? An idiot! That’s who!

Exhibit D: George (an animal) is guilty of animal cruelty.

This one really kicks me in the cottontail. In one of the books, George is curious about holding a bunny, so George just takes a bunny from the bunny cage. (Poorly raised?) Naturally, the bunny runs off “like a shot!” (Pro gun?) And in order to find the bunny, George looks to its mother. He doesn’t ask the mommy bunny for help, instead he ties a string around the mother bunny’s neck!!!! What is this, Guantanamo bay for bunnies? (Terrorist?)

I have already sent an email to PETA. I have asked them to suggest that if this is going to continue—the printing of such dangerous literature—all future editions remove the bit about the string.

Exhibit E: Friends of Curious George think monkeys are more useful than women

Apparently this particular space organization was too busy hiring monkeys to hire any women.

Are women dumber than monkeys? NOT THIS WOMAN! Unite with me, mommybloggers. Curious George hates women, prefers strange men, condones sugar, and takes advantage of helpless animals. Please help me in my fight against George.


  1. snort I love it! I always knew there was something creepy about that monkey.

    What do you think of the Peanuts? When I was a kid, I never understood why their parents were never around. Did they leave them at home at such a young age to persue adult things, like whoring around and drinking? Why were they always watching TV? And why oh why was Lucy always such a bitch?

    I’ve also been wondering what mothers think of Caliou. I’m still pregnant with #1, so I really have no excuse to have been watching stuff like that. Still, I was fascinated by his lack of hair. And his whining.


    1. I’m the book I have (just got it from Goodwill ) the monkey is smoking “good pipe” it says . And I. The whole book (it’s a multi story book) there’s pictures of people smoking “pipe” on all the storys, constantly. And the monkey was stolen from the forest (by the man in the yellow hat) to live in the zoo. Also the monkey goes to “prison” and escapes. .. that’s actually why I googled the subject.


  2. Not to mention that he smokes a cigar in the original story….



    1. Well that was the 40s way before smoking was thought bad.


      1. What? “They” have known it was bad long before the 40’s. That’s nonsense. It was just accepted. That’s like if they started taxing soda and putting warning labels on it and people said, “Well they didn’t know soda was bad before that!”

  3. And what about the ether? You didn’t even mention the ether he’s huffing!


  4. So many of the older “classic” kids stories are really quite frightening and there are actually very few positive female characters anywhere. Most all of the stories are about little boys and fathers or weird parentless children.

    My daughter likes “The Little Mermaid.” The original story is about a 15 year old mermaid girl who is in love with a prince so she makes a deal with the sea witch to get legs. If she doesn’t get the prince to marry her in a few days she will die. To get legs, she loses her voice and will have horrible, endless pain in her legs. For love, she goes through all this horrible suffering and potential death. When the prince marries someone else, her sisters make another deal with the witch that if she stabs the prince with a knife she can save herself. She can’t do it and sacrifices herself so she dies.

    Tell me what that tells women about themselves, about love and about men.


  5. Speechless.

    Apparently we need more female children’s book authors. I had no idea the LIttle Mermaid was so damn disturbing!

    I do remember being completely disturbed by books as a kid. The ones that really troubled me were the animals that die books. Charlotte’s Web was a favorite of mine. But I was so disturbed as well. The ENTIRE book is about a spider working herself to death to keep a pig from being slaughtered. It was exhausting.

    And Watership Down? Sweet jesus, I am still trying to remove the knife from my heart.

    Another: Long Eared Xmas Donkey. That little dude was ridiculed for having long ears and his mother froze to death trying to keep him alive during a blizzard after HE gets thrown out for being a freak.

    Curious George is curious indeed. If you were to swap out that monkey and put a little boy in his place, that little boy would be accused of doing some mighty questionable things. But since it’s a monkey, I kind of question Bill and the Man With the Yellow Hat. What are they doing with that monkey?

    I guess I wasn’t all that speechless after all.


  6. “Tell me what that tells women about themselves, about love and about men.”

    It tells me, women these days are just plain not as awesome as mermaids!


  7. The animals-dying one that kille me was Where the Red Fern Grows. That book resulted in me sitting on the floor of my parents’ closet and sobbing, until my mother finally came and found me, and I was like, “The dogs, so sad,” and kept wailing. That book broke my heart.


  8. You know what I’ve always wondered about Mermaids? Do they have vaginas? And if they do, where are they?

    (Amber: gonna stay FAR away from that one.)


  9. who cares if they have vaginas, they are permanently topless and completely selfless. i think looking at bare breasts 24/7 trumps having a vagina. there has to be a hole there somewhere. how do they go to the bathroom? how do mermaids reproduce? why do the mermaids have a father, no apparent mother, and no other males ever appear in the mermaid stories? the questions are endless.


  10. Our children are going to see way worse things growing up. Curious George is a book. It’s fiction. It’s our job to teach them the difference between fact and fiction. I’m sure a lot of childrens imaginations are far crazier than Curious George!


    1. Thank You Lauren. This is the best comment I have read in this entire post which I came to by accident. But parents these days need to understand the difference between fact and fiction and kids do too. WE grew up watching Yosemite Sam and we all turned out good.


      1. Really, Todd? You read Lauren’s post, but none of the others? Because there are several here that clearly state that THIS WAS A FUCKING PARODY.

  11. FACT: Children are more influenced by cardboard books than anything else.

    Only IDIOTS think it’s a question of nature vs nurture. It’s actually more complex:

    nature vs nurture vs curious monkeys

    We were successful in the 80s, proving that the Smurfs were satanic. It’s now time to rid our libraries of these perverted monkey books!

    I’ll buy the fertilizer.


  12. Michele: I guess you’re right. Shirtless girls are pretty awesome (unless of course they are breastfeeding, that’s just gross).

    I’ll skip the vagina and take two tits straight up.


  13. All this being said, I think there are so many great books out there. I think so many of the books out there are sweet, creative and totally wonderful and not at all scary like the so-called “classics” so I largely think kids are better off in that area. Books today reflect a much bigger world I think.

    Television and movies are another story, though. I’m constantly outraged at how very adult material is easily accessible to small children and that stuff makes little Curious George looks perfectly innocent. There is little or no effort in our culture today – from TV commercials, advertising, movies, billboards, etc. – to keep the images floating around at a kid-friendly level.

    We live in a culture for childless adults with poor impulse control, despite any lip service to the contrary. Everything is made available.

    When I was a kid, in the 70’s and early 80s, adult content wasn’t on until after 9pm at least. I saw the Holocaust miniseries when I was a kid, and that was very adult but they let it on in prime time because of the important historical content. I saw a scene of a girl getting raped, by today’s standards a very tame scene, and I was freaking traumatized for weeks. I can’t imagine what it would do to a child to see repeated graphically violent images on primetime television day after day, year after year. And you know that’s what most kids in America are doing…watching TV unsupervised. I think we’re dehumanized by all this content and it makes me want to cry because I see the repercussions everywhere I look. I will take Curious George any day. At least George isn’t intentionally evil and he doesn’t kill people.


    1. Thanks for the entertaining read, but 99.999 percent of children won’t try flying out a window because they saw a cartoon Goofy doing it.


  14. Sorry. I went off on a tangent there. Nevermind my rant.


    1. No apology necessary. Very well spoken and right to the point. Not to mention the music now and don’t get me wrong I listen to it but I’m an adult


  15. Don’t you dare apologize! Everything you said is right on, Michele. And I agree wholeheartedly with you.

    I never want people to not speak their mind. Y’all teach me stuff, like about vagina-less mermaids.


  16. I think tobyjoe just called me an idiot….


  17. Lauren: Tobyjoe has called me much worse, if it makes you feel any better. Probably not, but I just wanted to let you know that.

    Plus, I don’t think he was directing it at you per se. Really.

    But, yeah, I got you beat!


  18. A more educated ape, you say? I am reminded of this:


  19. Oh, the Smurfs. Now they really are fucked up.

    And Michele, I have wondered the same things about mermaids. Mainly ever since I saw Splash.


  20. No, I was totally making fun of the idea that this post was serious. Just playing along with you guys!

    Nature vs nurture vs monkey is still serious business, though!


  21. who would win in the nature vs nuture vs monkey fight? i give it all to the monkey. that little monkey can do it all and make children laugh at the same time.


  22. I don’t care what the monkey does – Curious George on PBS allows me the time to cook dinner every night. That’s good enough for me!


  23. I know this is not germane to monkeys, but I figured this was as appropriate a spot as any to rant about my aversion to Beauty and the Beast. A girl. Kidnapped. Threatened. Held hostage. Begins exhibiting signs of Stockholm Syndrome. With a Beast. As in bestiality.

    Does no one else get icked out by this scenario? No? Just me?


  24. just about every princess story is disturbing when you think about it. and your skin will crawl if you ever watch one of the barbie movies. the animation is creepy and the characters are vapid.

    little boys and curious monkeys get to have fantastical adventures – girls just dream about prince charming, beautiful dresses and sacrificing themselves for a man. not fair.


  25. Curious George taught me the most important lesson of my life—that if you ignore the directions, prohibitions, and warnings of an adult or supervisor but feign regret afterward, you can learn much and have wonderful adventures. That lesson has served me well time and time again.

    Granted, I’m sure that wasn’t the lesson my mom wanted me to learn, but it seemed pretty clear to me when I read the books.


  26. LOL! In seriousness, I have a two year old with a personality VERY much like George’s. And I frequently cringe at George’s antics as we read about them, realizing that they will be mimicked by my son…and that they aren’t at all safe or recommended!


  27. Late on this post but what about all the Disney movies that “kill off” the moms? Does Disney hate moms or what? Let’s see, there’s Bambi, Dumbo, Cinderella, Snow White, The Little Mermaid….Finding Nemo, wait that’s Pixar before Disney……but do you get where I’m going with this? And all the step moms are wicked of course. Thanks for giving me a forum to write about this, it has bugged me for years!



  28. Lady are u insane? Speaking as a 12 year old, when I was 5 I didnt think about any thing like what you are talking about. except… this is SO funny and thats a cute monkey. No 5 year old EVER think’s about this kind of stuff and just for the record you are an over protective MOM!

    P.S Crazy you should keep your opinion to your self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    sincerely: not your friend Nathan. :(


  29. Holy crap. This is the most insane thing i’ve ever heard of in my life. Is this lady actually for real ? What is wrong with this woman ? Curious George dangerous ? Come off it, Lady. Get a grip on reality. Sooner or later your son is going to find out what CAKE really is, and when he does, you’ll have to have some answers ready.




  30. Loved it! I can’t wait to read the books now and share the goodness with my son! I especially like the last two comments on this blog in Nov and Dec ’09 – did they not read the earlier comments?


  31. LOL This article had me laughing soundly! My favorite line is “And he wears knickers. NEVER trust a man in knickers!!!!!!!”

    But I actually found this article looking up “Curious George must be stopped” for a different reason- If anyone has seen the TV episodes, you’ll notice the George seems to have an IQ above 200. He knows how to construct simple machines like pumps, pulleys, conveyors, etc. He’s like a furry brown MacGyver. I swear he’s far too intelligent for the good of humanity.

    (Especially since the types of idiot mothers you mock in this article actually make up a significant portion of the country between the coasts!)


  32. Agreed ! I just found this old article as I googled to see if anyone else detested George. That damnable monkey has been the cause of great grief for two weeks in our house and I have banned him! My son has attempted to recreate multiple of George’s disasters. You will notice in the shows that there are never any consequence for George’s bad behavior. Curiosity my a$$. He is down right destructive. In his honor I’ve had two carpets soaked with soaps and a bathroom flooded! All in a matter of moments when I thought my boys were playing nicely together !


  33. All I want to know is, if curiosity killed the cat, then what the hell is George still around for? This monkey needs to go!


  34. Wow!!!!!! If you have a problem with this book then keep it to yourself!!!!!! Maybe we should completely try to ban Romeo and Juliet, or Shakespere from schools because they involve plots of murder and young romance!!!!! You would actually be able to produce some facts on that rather than trying to ruin the education system and ban children from reading books. Every book has a plot , uh oh Dora is a girl and goes on adventures by herself , let’s ban her, and Diego, and the whole Seaseme street gang b/c we dont want our children living on the streets!!!!Oh and let’s ban Mickey Mose Club bc Donald doesn’t wear pants!!!!! Is anyone still reading this !!!! This woman should be shot!!!!!


    1. THANK YOU! I completely agree with you, she is crazy!


  35. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!1!!!!! I can’t believe how many people don’t understand humor!!! Let’s ban everything funny in case someone thinks it’s serious!!!!!!!!!!!

    Crap. I think I just broke my keyboard.


    1. I AGREE !!!
      Ladies and gentleman please welcome to the real world .. the one .. the only …. BOOK NAZI!!!!!


  36. What, WHAT, WHAT!
    Am I the only completely astounded by this. I thought you were some kind of hyper conservative (And I’m very socially conservative myself) Till you mentioned PETA. Then I resized the far left are WAY worse than the far right. I mean it’s a child show, If you don’t like the idea don’t show it to your children. I think Caillou is a horrid role modle he’s a brat, but curious George encourages discover something our race needs. Those who do not question are doomed to enslavement. If the black’s listened to their masters there would have been no underground railroad. Read Animal Farm. Those who do not question are glue.


  37. Docpony: I was kidding. It was a joke I wrote a long, long time ago. Perhaps not a very good one? I am not mad at George. My kids love him.


  38. Michele,

    I would be interested in speaking with you regarding some of your work that I could possibly use for my business. The best way to contact me is the above email. Thanks.


  39. I have watched my share of the crapfest that is PBS curious george cartoon and have come to a few conclusions.

    1. Everyone on the show is an idiot. They let a monkey run around on its own doing all kinds of weird stuff or dangerous things and yet in the end no one questions it.

    2. The Italian restaurant needs to be shut down. If anything else because he lets a monkey come in the back while food is being prepared and served.

    3. This entire show is flawed. If this is suppose to be say, curious george is a four or five year old, who in the hell lets a four or five year old do the things alone that these people let George do?

    4. Is the country kid legally blind? Because he never seems to see that George is not a ‘kid’ but rather a monkey.

    5. Fire the doorman.He repeatedly leaves his posts and leaves a dog in charge. Not just any dog but a dauschund. We have one for a pet. They are hyperactive, crap on our carpet and he pees in our kitchen.

    6. What DOES the man in the yellow hat do for a living?

    7. And how does he think he can understand George? What does this Doctor DoLittle wanna-be think he is doing, breaching a new understanding in science between human-animal communication?

    I could go on and on but there are so many things wrong with this god awful show I would be bleeding from my fingernails before I would finish writing it all.


  40. You people are crazy. Its a children book about a monkey. C’mon your being excuse my language BITCHY cause of your little kid?
    it sounds like you are teaching him bad things already lying??
    Your a horrible parent


  41. Oh that’s amazing. Ashlynn, please look on Wikipedia for a definition of ‘sense of humour’ and/or ‘satire’ – hopefully it will spell out a general ability to read the actual article and how to work out that it is meant to be amusing and not actually serious. Other articles will cover the correct use of YOU’RE but that’s probably another afternoon’s reading.

    Disclaimer: the above is also meant in good humour.

    A good chuckle for the day :D Also I love Curious George. Illustrated monkey = win.


  42. Y’all are ridiculously Over Thinking the entire show. Don’t like your child watching the show? Turn off the television. Common sense. It’s a freaking MONKEY.


    1. I give up on you people.


  43. DISCLAIMER “George is a monkey, so he can do things you can’t do” #CG4PRESIDENT


  44. Wow! I honestly can’t believe how unbalanced people can be. Every argument provided in this post is absolutely ridiculous. It shows how fanatical people can be. I can’t stand talking to unbalanced people. This is coming from a father of a 2 year old boy who watches Curious George and we read the books to him. Instead of learning to “ride around on a ball” or “be cruel to animals” or trust strangers in yellow hats, he learns all sorts of good things. Is there an epidemic of children being stolen by men in yellow hats and knickers? Is there a problem that all children in this country are ending up in the hospital because of George? Come on! Be reasonable. If you don’t allow your kid to ever touch sugar of any kind, that’s your own choice. But get use to the kid asking because most people eat sugar in some form. It should be a healthy form but still….. And the quote about “lying is OK if it’s about God, sugar and sex”, I hope your kid never asks you about God or sex. No wonder teens get pregnant and most people think God is some cruel distant unknowable mysterious being. No lying is OK. Sorry to spoil it for you, but George isn’t the problem. Something else is….. I’ll let you figure out what.


  45. Josh.

    Josh, dude.

    Oh, Josh. I just don’t know what to say…




  47. Seriously? HE. IS. A. MONKEY. Quit getting all butthurt.


  48. Michele, this comment was the light of my evening. Bless you. :)


  49. Really… I think you are reading WAY to far into “Georgie” (as my 2.5 year old says). He has learned so many “lessons” from George. I’m sorry YOUR not paying attention to YOUR childern that him (as a monkey) is rolling around a ball that it MAY become an issue. I’m sorry if my very adeventrous 2 1/2 year old needs to be taught he CAN NOT WALK on top of a ball, it should be a very quick lesson and the world moves on. Most toddler shows suck. I would rather have him watch Curious George insted of Max and Ruby (Max is totally a Sociopath who is going to snap) or YoGabaGaba (Really..?). George teaches real world problem solving according to young kids, there are WAY worse things to watch,


  50. Anyone who refers to themself as “this woman” should be euthanized.

    Lol *cough*cunt*cough*


    1. Oh, Katie. You aren’t a very nice person. And on top of not being very nice, you don’t seem to have much of a sense of humor or a knack for reading comprehension.


  51. I thought I was the crazy one actually putting any thought into that stupid little aggravating monkey!!!! LMAO


  52. Come on people your the reason for dumming down of America I read curious George as a kid and ended up with a Phd life isn’t all white bread and milk grow up mabey your not taking responsibility to watch your kids shame on you where the red fern grows is the. Exception terrible book and its not like its? Curious jermaine a naughty black kid sheesh. I can’t tell u how to raise your kids but leave mine alone and let them have cake


  53. It is awesome that this article has continued on for so many years! It is also amazing (in a ridiculous kind of way) how many people read the article but not the comments. Oh, and what funny comments they left behind. :)


  54. I see a lot of play on a books and movies ….. For what seems as parents who don’t want to parent or their kids to have imaginations … Kids climb they ask questions and they use their limit knowledge to problem solve its your job as a parent to teach them right from wrong safety and what’s healthy! Kids are not dumb but these people clearly think there’s our


  55. I just feel sorry for your kids. After all these years, have they still never had birthday cake? People who don’t give children birthday cakes “because it’s sugar” are just evil. Let them live a little, geez.

    p.s. How do you get the candles to stick to kale, btw?


  56. Oh no i read curious george and ate sugar as akid and it was detrimental to my decline in society i dropped outta school at 5 and ran away from home this is where my life of crime began. I made a living selling stolen maniquin nipples and built an empire which thrived if not for. Kids and a dog,now i am serving a life sentence at a maximum security prison in solitary no pants confinement. To think this could all have been avoided if id stayed away from sugar and a curious monkey damn society


  57. You are the idiot!!!


  58. I agree. You are pretty stupid. Your kid must not be aloud to have an imagination and lives in a glass house. I feel sorry for your child. And I’m sorry but you are one of “those mothers”. Good job on being a hypocrite.


  59. I wanted to live in a glass house! I tried. I begged my husband, “Please can we build a glass house? Please?” But he said it’s not really possible. I doubted him. But then he went on to say that too many people would be able to see in at all our designer clothing and shoes and they’ll try and rob us. So I stopped asking for a glass house. Also: I was worried my three year old daughter’s kitten heels might shatter the floors. I make her wear them for three hours every day because I want her to become Miss America some day.


  60. Kids are like sponges,they mimic what they see on TV . So therefore like some others have done in here,turn off the TV no more of Curious George.


  61. I gatta say anyone bad mouthing george is redicules


  62. I think the show is such bad influence ,some episodes are okay but there is thoes episode where he get lost ALOT
    For example S1 Episode 22 they go to airport for a vaction, they stuck because of the weather he pretty much ends at lost ans found like 4 times after he “man with yellow hat” tells him to stay ,they are many episode where he lost and the dangerous ones like the one he babysits a a snakes and rats(i dont care that he “takes care” of a snake and rat) but he pretty much lets em out to play and they go run of the hotel window like 12 stories high and there just run around out side in the altitude cause George is trying to catch em ugh when if kid in new york does that they would just fall like 40 stories high or the him about getting lost again and again every episode “because of his curiousity”


  63. does george throw poop at people who piss him off


  64. You just sound stupid. Maybe you lay off curious george. I do agree that george is a bad influence. Be it he destroys everything, making the biggest messes ever. But your sexism, and idealistim just ruins your whole post.


  65. Dear Mother of the Year,
    Curious George is a fictional character, you should explain to your children that George is a monkey and your children are not. George isn’t a baby sitter to just plop your kids in front of the television and hope they don’t try to mimic him. You need to get a grip, and start working on a new parenting game plan for raising non curious children, rather than scapegoating George for your short comings as a parent. Good luck and I truly hope you figure this out, holding this much comptempt for a fictional monkey can’t be healthy.


  66. the asshats complaining suck at figuring out that this is satire. Observational and dark humor satire.


  67. I think………….you need some help. Obviously you’re the type of parent that is going to keep your kid closed off his or her entire childhood. Good luck when he/she becomes a drug addict


  68. Don’t be upset when your kid ends up being a heroin addict. Parents like you are the reason teenagers take drugs.


  69. Mihow, you’re complaining about lessons that an animated monkey is teaching your child? Does that picture show you with your baby, and a beer? Maybe you should just park your child in front of hypno-toad and get your source on while the kid zones out to t.v. Take the kid to the park or something. Go to the zoo and show them real monkeys. Put down the beer and be present.


  70. This is just great! I don’t know which is better, the post itself and how accurately it mocks today’s anti Vax, anti sugar, anti living, helicopter moms, or the commenters that ACTUALLY think this post is serious! I just don’t even know what to say. It’s kinda sad to think these people walk among us and actually have children.


  71. please tell me this is a joke. We need to ban a character that’s been around since the 30’s because some old grouchy moms are worried for their childrens safety? Calling a animated monkey a terrorist, people have better things to worry about than your bitching and complaining, take a chill pill your child is too bubble wrapped.


  72. your joking right….george is a monkey for crying out loud, the things an average person knows by nature, he does not know, which is why he learns it for himself, the man in the yellow hat is his owner, which is why he follows him everywhere he goes. George merely sees something mysterious and does whatever he can to figure it out for himself, what you believe to be animal cruelty, was george’s way of using a bunny to find another bunny, he sees it as a leash, so if you have a dog and put it on a leash, then you are performing animal cruelty yourself, secondly the story is called curious george, so it will focus on the main charachter, they could have hired a woman for that whole space thing, but what would be the point? it would defeat the whole story, since it is about george and nobody else, if they hired a woman instead of george and she handled the job, the author would have simply wasted his time even making that book. Some people these days….


    1. Thank you, that’s the response, I like to hear!


  73. You are all a bunch of trolls. There is worse garbage happening on your own street behind closed doors than any story you may read to your child. My child knows the difference between a story and life. Maybe teach your kids something useful like how to respect their family, maybe how to speak English properly. The difference between a story and life may be something to teach your child instead of giving them false hope and a really false sense of security. My kid knows daddy went to the terrorists house to put them in jail so they won’t come here and crash more planes and buildings. Instead the real life role models are yourself and your my all shows with ACTORS portraying angry sluts and abusive men. Children emulate what they see in front of them. You can read all the stories you want to a kid. But when they see it, literally happening in front of them, that’s what they emulate. Instead of pulling apart innocent stories without anything behind the story but the want for entertainment, and you idiots get up here all high and mighty on a pedastal. Like you didn’t talk dirty to your sex partner before, or never thought you would have a child that wasn’t something you planned on having. Lie to yourselves. Keep doing it. The world is not covered in rubber padding and fairys. If there is something you need to protect your kid from, it’s sexual predators and the abuse you put them through everyday when they ‘hit that last nerve’ and you freak out like an idiot on them. They will remember that one time you yelled, or that time you snarled at them like a monster. It only takes one time. Stop pretending you care about your child and actually do it. If you want to stunt your kids growth then go ahead and keep the visor covering their field of view. Then they’ll grow up to be a victim just like you. A bunch of self pity wannabee hateful people. Keep shrouding life from your child and see what you develop by the time they’re a teen and decide they’re gonna experiment. That’s when you know what you did wrong. When they lie to you and keep their own privacy so you think one thing and they’re doing another. If you want your child to hate you the lie to them. Tell them things that they can figure out on their own like what cake is. Idiot.

    Bunch of trolls. Keep on being you because if there weren’t any sheep, there wouldn’t need to be the sheepdog to protect you.


      1. Omg!!! I’ve been laughing the whole time reading these comments but I almost fell off the bed with this one.

  74. I don’t know you, but you are a dumbass, I have never seen someone who bashes a children’s book this harshly, I mean if your kid doesn’t know what cake is, you are the idiot, to deprive children of being innocent, is practically abuse! Close down this website.


    1. I can’t believe it’s been, what, 9 years and 90 comments and people STILL TAKE THIS POST SERIOUSLY.

      It was a parody. I’m not sure if it was a really bad one or a really good one, but HOLY SHIT I can’t believe the comments I continue to receive about this fucking monkey all these years later.


      1. If it was just a parody why would you say all of those stupid things about George.Parodies are meant to be funny not mean.

      2. Trista: I am sorry you felt I was being too mean to a cartoon monkey. I would apologize to the cartoon monkey, but he’s a cartoon monkey so I’m not sure it would do any good.

        And I’m sorry you didn’t laugh at this post from 9 years ago. I’m OK with that, however. I can’t please everyone.

        And, yes, I saw your comment on my about section. I am a little crazy.

  75. What did Curious George ever do to y’all? He never harmed you, he is not a bad influence he is just meant for entertainment and to teach your kids that there is consequences in the world.


  76. I think Curious George was made to entertain little kids, and it did just that.
    Its a great show.


  77. monkeys, in fact, do not have a moral compass, because, news flash, they are monkeys.


  78. I think you are such a dumb bitch that i made an account for the site just so that i can tell you that. I think your statements can totally be logically proven under the assumption that your kid is a fucking idiot. The monkey has fun! Thats what kids are supposed to do that and if he isnt smart enough to not do all the dumb shit along the way then just ditch him because its not worth your time raising a kid hat stupid anyway and judging by this post you would just make it worse.


    1. Oh, Emerson. Thanks for taking the time to make an account!


  79. you sound really dumb to be honest I mean its just a cartoon for kids to watch and enjoy dont corrupt your child who probably hasnt fully developed a brain yet into thinking every cartoon has a secret agenda behind it let children live thats why children are what they are today it sad really


  80. listen curious george is curious for a reason he is learning the new world u guys just mad e make more money than yall


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