Tuesdays With Murray (Chapter 40)

This is my 40th week doing Tuesdays With Murray. I can’t believe that. To celebrate this milestone, I put together another video of clips featuring the furry beast. Enjoy!

(P.S. This is a work in progress. The final video will be up later today whenever Emory takes his nap.) I’m sorry, but what’s a nap? We don’t know what “nap” means.


  1. I laughed, I cried! How do people who have no cats spend their days and who do they love?


  2. Lake, I have no idea. They have brought me so much joy through the years, I can’t imagine life without them. And people who hate cats, like hate them? I truly don’t understand where they’re coming from. I’d have a hard time befriending someone with that sort of hatred toward this particular animal.


  3. Ha! That was awesome. I love little kitten Murray spazzing out in front of Tucker.


  4. Loved the formula scene…. “gotta lick up the last bit”!


  5. ew! kitty backwash!

    he looks like such fun :)


  6. I’m not a cat person (I don’t hate them, they just kinda scare me- long childhood incident story), but I think your video might have converted me.


  7. I am about 2 minutes away from being done with my workday, and after watching that video, I am probably going to drive too fast so that I can get home to Sir Cat quicker.


  8. You know that scene in the ‘Kids in the Hall’ movie “Brain Candy,” where the scientist is screaming “Cat on my head! Cat on my head!”?

    I’m imaging your kitty screaming “Can on my head! Similac can on my head!”


  9. “I’d have a hard time befriending someone with that sort of hatred toward this particular animal.”

    There’s this woman I work with, who sits across the hall from me. Not only does she not like cats, but also the image of them, on shirts, cards, etc. Freaks out over it. I work with weirdos!


  10. That totally made me cry, in a good way. Give your furry mushes a hug from me.


  11. Dave H: Hilarious. I totally forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me!

    Murray is indeed fun, Leah. Hope you can meet him someday.


  12. Mihow, that was a great video! Chris and I really enjoyed watching it. Well done!


  13. I love watching videos of Murray! and so does my cat!

    we’re getting a new kitten in a couple of weeks (she’s still at the store putting on weight! she’s so tiny!) and I’m going to try and take videos this time! the world needs more ninja kitten goodness!!!


  14. So well done. The song is perfect for those clips! So bittersweet. You guys will treasure it one day when Emory is big and sees himself and the cat at that age. Your cat seems to have quite the personality.


  15. Aww! Sparty sat on my desk and watched the vid with me. Then I impulsively grabbed him to give him a squeeze, but he’s not always in the “mood” for affection so he wrapped his paws around my arm and gave my wrist a good chewing on. LOL


  16. Those shots of murray as a kitten remind me of my ferocious Clementine right now. I used to think I disliked cats! I never had one growing up because I was extremely allergic. My husband had them but he had theories that cats should not be cooped up in houses, that they should run free. This theory, of course, is only well suited for people who don’t live in the city, as he did not. Then! in december, our neighbors, who have 10 cats in a 1800 sq foot apartment, found a 5 1/2 week old kitten in the alley and talked us in to taking her. Honestly, I never ever knew how much happiness a beast could bring me, even though we have two great dogs. I am now, officially, a cat person, despite the fact that my arm is covered in scratches. What a precious beast!


  17. I converted to “cat person” in July 2005 when I was given the Principessa, aka Bella Clementine. I never hated them, but I never “got” them either.

    Now I get them. And I “get” why you were so excited to come home to the MurrMeister that you sang a song about it each day. That is a cat with personality, isn’t he! I mean, they all have personalities, but some just have the sparkle that makes you hoot with laughter daily.

    LOVE the attack on orange cat clip. Ahh, to have a kitten again.


  18. based on this video and other evidence I must say that you are part of one of the most rockin’ families out there. Will never forget when Murray threw the monkey at the door to get in – genius cat!


  19. Oh Murray…. you are so cute. Cats are very smart and like most things in life, you get back what you put into them.

    My cat, Mary McDhui, plays fetch. She chooses the toy and brings it to me. I throw, she brings it back. We do this in the morning and at night. Of late a blue gingham mouse (the spring toy I guess) is her favorite.

    Thanks for the smile.


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