Blowing Hot Glass

Yesterday, after receiving excellent news from Toby, I decided that it might be a good time to have him treat me to a course at San Francisco State University. So I made a few phone calls and I await to hear if I’m to be accepted into this course.

I have wanted to take glass blowing for 10 years. Right before we moved out of Brooklyn, I even signed up at a place in Williamsburg. How excited am I about this possibility? “Tobacco Pipes” for everyone, that’s all I have to say. I’m so going to open up shop on the Haight after this.

Other classes I want to take:

Conserving Biodiversity in the San Francisco Bay Estuary.

Or this one:

Butterflies of the Sierra Nevada

Or this one:

Intro to Creative Writing. Perhaps they can help with my commas.

NO! This one:

Geology of California

That would be cool.


  1. Tobacco pipes + glass blowing = blowing hot air? I’m fired.


  2. We’ll have to ask Megan. I am noticing that many of the courses I wish to take are over. heh. oops.


  3. That would be totally cool. YOU MUST TAKE THIS COURSE, then you must teach me.


  4. I think you should sign up for one of the classes listed under ‘Wine Studies.’ You’ve got to love a class that instructs you to bring two wine glasses:)


  5. Holy crap, Melhow, if Toby reads this, we’re screwed. I hadn’t seen those. Oh dear.


  6. you should sign up for some kind of freaky puppetry or welding project action over at CELLspace. yeah…



  7. Nifkin, that’s totally nuts. I’m sort of thinking about The Art of Kung Fu. A jackass of all trades, yo.


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