Can Poo Hear Me Now?

Today, we lost an important member of the Howley family, a member whose only job was helping keep the other members together, a member who helped us all reach out and touch someone. Today, my father’s cell phone was flushed down a toilet in New Jersey.

Amen. Poor bastard. Never stood a chance.

I’m not sure what’s more disturbing, the fact that this actually happen, or that if it hadn’t been flushed, I have this sinking feeling that my father (knowing him) would probably have fished it out in hopes of saving it.

Talk about having shitty reception.


  1. Fine. I’ll say it. You are so fired!


  2. The techs at work do this all the time… and then feel compelled to call me and tell me about it. (i’m the one who has to get them new cell phones when they’re lost/stolen/broken) i tell them “can’t you just tell me that you dropped it in a puddle or something???”


  3. I had a feeling that’d get me fired. But with all due respect, Lana, I wasn’t the one who flushed my cell phone down the toilet, was I?


  4. Ok.. but you’re definitely on work probation!


  5. What is it about parents, cell phones and toilets? My mom just had the same thing happen to her—but she fished the damn phone out of the toilet and continues to use it.

    Now I feel dirty just calling her.


  6. she fished it out!! and it works!!! holy crap, that’s an advertisement for whoever makes that phone. I thought about calling my father’s phone last night. Kept thinking, what if a voice answers? That’s a horrible thought. Scary.


  7. I’d lose it laughing if someone picked up! You could totally call them on fishing the phone out of sewage.

    Lana was right to fire you, btw. The “shitty reception” joke was almost as bad as the phone flushing, itself.


  8. Yeah, I know. Last night when Toby saw it he fired me too. Well, that was after the redness drained from his cheeks and he pulled his tongue out from the back of his throat. Toby doesn’t like poo talk. I think I’ve mentioned that before.


  9. Boy, is he in the wrong family.


  10. To be honest, I couldn’t decide which comment/bad pun would get me more fired, the title of the post, or that last line. Yes, he will have to one day grow to love and understand that sometimes there’s a need for pootalk.


  11. If Toby doesn’t like poo talk now, who knows how he will handle things when ever you guys ever have a baby!!! Poo always seems to pop up as a hot topic whenever it comes to babies!!!


  12. You know…I read the title of the post, but I didn’t really notice the reference right away. That one not only gets you fired, I think it gets you summarily escorted from the building by security.


  13. ha! excellent. I have always wanted to be “one of those people.” Hey, calvo, if you read this, I’m considering a trip to the east very soon, like in the next couple of days, you around? (I have to find a cheap airfare first).


  14. It was insured! A new one is on its way by FedEx. Momhow is in deep poo for telling. Why couldn’t she have said I dropped it off my boat into the Atlantic Ocean while fighting a very large tuna or marlin or something? As it is, I still may have to pay a Roto-Rooter bill as well. Now that’s shitty.


  15. Hey, don’t take it too personally, scbob. This all comes from a girl who ran over her iPod with a treadmill. You needn’t take anything I say with any weight.


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