I write good

I can understand misspelling words like “Hexadecimal” on a test but a word like “Column?” When someone spells “Column” “Collum” AND they’re in college, AND they are in (what I’m told is) a great college, I have to wonder if the latter is indeed true.

I don’t pretend to be a great speller. As a matter of fact, I actually suck at it. However, you better believe that if I were taking a test surrounding HTML and Dreamweaver, I would know how to spell words like “Column.”

Details, people. Come the fuck on already. Collum?


  1. yeeeesh Collum likes the precious html, but hates wicked nasty awful wysiwyg editors, built by hobitsess they issss. Collum! Collum!


  2. Caldwell, you’re such a nerd with that post that I’m actually intimidated.


  3. Mihow, you need to chill. Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense. The Lord shall judge his people.


  4. Whoa. The lord’s going to judge his people? Are we talking like, right now??

    I think hexadecimal is way easier to spell than column.


  5. I think I know God. I do. I will tell all who he is.

    Hexadecimal is often misspelled as “Hexidecimal”

    I’m just sayin.


  6. The IPs used by God has never been used by a different user, but there are two from the same network.


  7. “Hello God, it’s me Mihow.”


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