
Last night Toby and I were discussing Quorn Products as sometimes I kind of miss their chicken and we started to discuss how they made them, with some sort of man-made fungus and all, spores and stuff and I became gaggy and asked him to stop. So I guess, for now, I’ll live without the Quorn until I know it’s safe and “normal”. However, the mention of the word “spore” and the word “fungus” got us (or me, rather) on the topic of how the name Quorn sounds and how it sort of fits with what it turned out to be. And it got us talking about words like “warts”, “snot”, “hemorrhoids”, “corns” and the like. And I was slightly put off by the fact that these word sound as gross and disgusting and unappealing as they are. Toby said,

Well, right now, rename “wart”. If you don’t like it, rename it.

I said


So from now on, those with what was once a wart, now have a “skyke”. It sounds better. And I also decided that Chlamydia is a much better VD to acquire than say… Gonorrhea or Herpes. And Syphilis is ok as well. (Judging by the sound of them, of course). What would you like to rename? What words bother you?


  1. The word “moist” bothers me. It’s funny, ‘cause on Jeopardy the other day, they had the topic “Moist Things.” I guess David Letterman had a top 10 of topics that would never be on Jeopardy, and just to spite him, Alex Trebeck had it on there. Or the writers on the show did, rather.

    I hearby cancel the word moist. You can now only use the word ‘damp.’

    Other words I hate:
    1) creamy
    2) catsup (it’s fuckin’ ketchup, ok?)
    3) goiter


  2. megan, it’s funny that you said moist, because i can’t stand that word either. can’t even say it.


  3. ‘goiter’ sounds like it has a built-in New Jersey accent.


  4. “Chlamydia” sounds pretty. Like, “Hello, this is my daughter, Chlamydia.”

    There aren’t many words that I can’t stand. The only one that really pushes my buttons is the word “retard” used as an insult. And that’s more MY deal, not because it sounds weird, language-wise.

    Does that make ANY sense?


  5. “skyke” sounds nasty too. unless you pronounce it as “nike”

    theres something joyfull in nasty words though. like “pus” and “snot”. hehe.

    goiter sounds like someone with a cockney accent actually. or swedish:

    “Goiter knckebr


  6. top 3 words i cant stand:
    1. panties ….just don’t like it
    2. c*nt…..see, can’t even spell it out, i dislike it so much
    3. tits…..reminds me of pigs and sows


  7. Oooo….panties. Good one, Andrea.
    And pus is a totally gross word, too, Arjen. Look at the European pull through for us! ;)

    The “c-word,” as I refer to it, bothers me, too.


  8. see, now I like the word Cnt. I think it’s funny. I used to call my friend, Soung a cnt as a term of endearment. Twas funny.

    I actually wrote about hating the word “moist” before on here. I started to today and then erased it for fear of repeating myself.

    But if you’d like, you can take a look at my friend’s moist panties.


  9. GAH!

    Take a look at my friend’s DAMP panties, thank you. ;)

    My mom, when she gets really, really mad, says the c-word. Even moms use it. How disturbing is that?!

    Twat is funny. The C-word is…mmm…not so much.


  10. twat is SO funny. how about the word munch? can’t stand that one either.


  11. The word “thyroid” bothers me too.

    munch is ok because I like to say “assmunch” to people I am teasing.

    Twat is funny indeed.


  12. The other “c” word, as well as ‘snatch’!!
    Pocket book, hanky and slacks all make me laugh!


  13. “slacks.” I HATE that word.


  14. I once saw a pamphlet titled Chlamydia – It’s Not a Flower. So true.

    I love love love the word cunt. It is really the only effective word in certain situations.

    I hate titties – it reminds me of diminutive perving men pawing at well, titties.

    I also dislike snack, mylar, and slacks.


  15. I don’t like yogurt either, and especially if it is spelled yoghurt, or however it is spelled with an ‘h’.


  16. Nico, you always make me laugh. It could be a flower, that’s my point. Let’s make Chlamydia a flower. I’ll name my next kitten Chlamydia.

    It’s nice to hear other women like the word cunt. I agree, it puts an end to most babble in most situations.

    Mylar?! you’re weird.


  17. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with the word “cunt.” I still don’t care for it, but only because it’s considered the ULTIMATE INSULT.

    I just remembered a word I don’t like. Snatch. I don’t know.


  18. It’s those “ar” “ur” “or” sounds. What might it be? Does it come from on of our first sounds, “gurgle?” hmmmmm I am not of knowing.

    I hate the word “boobies” but like the word “clit”


  19. Even seeing that word in writing makes my skin crawl!!!!!!!!!!
    Cunt is the best word EVER.


  20. I don’t like mylar because it sounds like it should be stretched out like myyyyyylaaaarr.
    Why that is annoying to me, I can’t say.

    I like snatch, I actually think it is cute. Like a little grabby animal. (That is probably not so cute to many – but it is to me!)


  21. I don’t mind the word snatch either. I kinda like mylar, though. I think because I like when i’m able to use it in a printed piece. (mylar/velum).

    OH! Fornicate. No me gusta.


  22. LAKe, “Even seeing that word in writing makes my skin crawl!!!!!!!!!!”

    Which word do you speak of?


  23. i swear i have known at least 5 girls in my life, aside from present company, who cringe at the words “moist” and “panties”

    i dare you to find a guy who cringes at those two words (invalid if you add the words “of Oprah”)


  24. nico – george kills little grabby animals, from what i understand… drowns them or something…. so beware!


  25. no toby, George tries to RESCUE little grabby animals. he gives them mouth to mouth. heh heh


  26. ha ha!

    What an awesome visual memory of George chasing a duckling no taller than the first eye on his shoe. That duck ran and ran and jumped head first into the pond while George tried, on last time, to grab him, pushing the little guy under water for a few seconds. Holy crap that was funny.


  27. ha ha!

    What an awesome visual memory of George chasing a duckling no taller than the first eye on his shoe. That duck ran and ran and jumped head first into the pond while George tried, one last time, to grab him, pushing the little guy under water for a few seconds. Holy crap that was funny.


  28. oh lordy lordy lord lord…

    the thing to remember: THEY STILL DIE!

    LAKe, there is no more beautiful word. Get back to the nunnery, freak!


  29. My new project will be creating a female superhero named CLITWOMAN.

    Indeed. She’s fuckin tear shit up.

    Power to Clitwoman. Clitwoman, she’ll take all ya’all on.


  30. OH the duckling! I thought you mean the hedgehog rescue attempt.

    The duck-what an embarrasment! It was like of Mice and Men. And he was SO jealous because there were a couple kids who had managed to GENTLY scoop up baby ducks.


  31. I’m crying….

    Of Mice and Men.

    Crying. Holy shit, hadn’t thought of that.

    “I Want to pet the rabbits.”


  32. ‘masticate’ and ‘defenestrate’ sound like they should mean something dirty. I can’t imagine using them, other than maybe to confuse people.


  33. i wonder what sort of hits you’ll get from google now, given this conversation. I can see the search string now: “moist duckling cunt”


  34. Oh my dear. “moist duckling cunt” is the song title from Clitgirl’s first EP.

    (That’s clitwoman’s sidebitch, btw). Ahhhhh superhero lesbians. Gotta love em.

    What kind of superpowers would they have?

    ::returns can-opener to drawer::


  35. Even though I don’t like the cl—word – don’t I get any credit for using cunt on a daily basis??


  36. I know someone who refers to a certain unnamed area of the body as the “taint”. that word has disturbed me ever since.


  37. ps.
    how does someone in the right mind design a big flash intro and 10 desktops in 3 hours?


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