
Here are some Pictures. Only 2 after yesterday’s 55, I figured a little peace and quiet might be in order. Am I the only person put off a bit by this ad? He’ll probably just go get the unwrapped goods elsewhere. Then again, I am a cynic at best. Does this kind of shit actually work? Does throwing the word ‘ain’t’ in there make it more human or something? What the hell is this? Bring your own condom? Bring it where? Out to the clubs? To church? Poker night? Bring your own hump on. Bring your own dildo. Shit, just stay home and rent some porn.


  1. I don’t think I’d want to have sex with a guy who called me “sugarplum.” But that’s just me.


  2. I agree, sugarplum.


  3. ha ha ha!

    poker night.

    ha ha ha!

    I’m stupid.


  4. You don’t even want to know all the I find wrong with that ad. But I’ll tell you anyway.

    First of all, when did proper grammer get thrown out the window. I don’t mean spelling, which I suk at, but normal grammer. Why does it have to talk down to people?

    “He ain’t gettin’ none”??

    As for the Sex in the City ad, am I the only one who can’t stand SJP? Her latest thing, where she wants to run for the US Senate, really riles me up. She wants to make a difference because people in HER family need assistance which she doesn’t think the government gives enough of to them. If she cared so much for her family, shouldn’t she and Broderick be able to help them out just a little without the government having to step in? What does she make an episode?

    Ugh. Bad day at the office, so I’ll take it out on little sister’s website.


  5. I didn’t know about the senate thing. She’s sort of annoying, yes. I’ll give you that. But not as annoying as her hubby. I can’t stand that guy. She should have married the drug addict, Jr.

    I’m trying to change my mind about him after the movie “You Can Count On Me” because it was the shit and all. But still, for some reason, he bugs me.

    She’s freakish looking and dresses as one would dress the shitty non-barbie.


  6. that ad was probably written by one of them foreigners who thinks he knows american slang, like one o’ them dutch peeples.
    to give them the benefit of the doubt.


  7. hehe. i’m a dick.

    “First of all, when did proper grammer get thrown out the window. “

    is ironically followed closely by:

    “She wants to make a difference because people in HER family need assistance which she doesn’t think the government gives enough of to them.”

    ok, irony police have left the building.

    i don’t like her much at all.
    i think her character on that show is the most pathetic wretch on tv.

    boo hoo, you’re rich but not rich enough to house your collection of $1200 GAUDY Manolo Blahnik shoes.

    boo hoo, you’re a spoiled compulsive drunken chain smoker, you’ve convinced yourself it’s even remotely attractive or cool, and you push this image onto viewers regularly. at least it masks your horse face in the haze of carbon and poison.

    yeah, she rubs me all wrong, too…


  8. I have to admit, I’m sort of surprised you know what a “Manolo Blahnik” is.

    I would not have known this. My shoe sense stops up around Puma. :/

    Ahhhh that tobyjoe, he surprises me.


  9. although why is SJP rubbing you, albeit rubbing you “wrong?”


  10. the irony police have just come into my office and kicked my ass.


  11. rob, how so? you ok?


  12. i actually know about Blahniks from working at Nerve.

    one of the pieces I had to design was written by this amazingly snobbish ignorant BITCH named Candace Bushnell.

    the title graphic just HAAAD to be a Blaaaahnik you see…

    fucking rich bastards.

    i get so robin hoodish when i think about the money they waste and the good to which it could be put… if only a catalyst with a lockpick kit and green tights could get into their richie rich apartments while they’re away…


  13. oops. i was wrong.

    candy b. was just giving the advice on the design. she didn’t write this piece.


  14. yes, that is the feather tool.

    nothing says SOFTCORE! like the feather tool…


  15. You’re super hot when you rant. And even more so when you wear the white pants.

    Isn’t she the Sex and the City writer? Or am I:

    a). behind

    b). a guessing moron

    c). all of the above


  16. she is, yes.

    i was in a bookstore once while she was reading from her new book… lots of really tense and socially relevant stories about how awful the traffic can be on the way to the Hamptons and how well a good $16 cosmopolitan can erase the trauma from a gal’s head.



  17. The Hamptons should be treated like a wart on the skin of earth. It should be burned and or cut off and thrown into a biohazard bucket.

    While they’re at it, burn/freeze/carve-out parts of Staten Island and Long Island as well and parts of Greenpoint.


  18. We could have done all of that if Bush hadn’t cut the toxic waste site funds! ;)
    I have thought for years that both coasts should fall into the sea and the entire US would benefit. And then I would own waterfront property here in Pennsylvania – the proper spelling, Mihow.


  19. She’s freakish looking and dresses as one would dress the shitty non-barbie.

    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!


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