Was it the Smell of Fart or Marijuana? That Was the Question.

Toby and I acting like morons.. Oh, and yes, we were talking. Proving to the world that occasionally I can be the biggest hypocrite ever.

I’ve reached level criminal on board annoying lately.


  1. It’s official, niether of you sound like you in my brain anymore. It has been too long since actually hearing yer voices. I’ve turned you into other people!!! Crazy people! peole with freakish voices! O.K. not freakish. I could if I wanted to, though.


  2. Wait. Are you saying our voices are freakish in real life? Or that we have freakish voices when you’re acting us out in your head while reading something? Or are you saying we sound freakish on this recording? You’re confusing me, sweet sian.
    Do I sound freakish right now? HOW ABOUT WHEN I WRITE IN ALL CAPS?!


  3. Sweet jesus, they have Fart Ringtones? I might have to download that. (See Google ads on the left.)


  4. I was saying they are freakish in my mind.
    Although, that isn’t even true.
    But I could change that.
    Your voice is WAY FREAKy when you USE ALL caps.


  5. yep – we can totally sound alike!!!


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