1. They should call the thing Fatty McFatass. ABC News did a profile on it last night and every person they profiled is two meals short of a heart attack…

    I once took the side of the fast food companies as I do believe it is a personal choice to eat this shit but this is a bit much. (Plus Supersize Me/Fast Food Nation both make a pretty compelling argument)…


  2. Everyone can do whatever it is they want as long as they’re happy with or willing to accept the potential outcome and are willing to take responsibility if their choices comes back to bite them in the ass.

    If you wanna smoke crack? Fine, smoke crack but if that pipe blows up in your face, don’t whine about it. If you wanna smoke cigarettes, smoke, but don’t complain when you get lung cancer and can no longer walk up stairs. If you want to eat this sandwich, go ahead and do so, just don’t complain when your liver starts to fail or you gain a hundred and fifty pounds.
    We need to take responsibility for our decisions. We all desire and flaunt freedom up until our own freedom comes back to haunt us. Drives me insane.


  3. Like someone in the article said, this is hardly any different than a typical diner breakfast, but you don’t see anyone out there trying to shut down Denny’s, IHOP, Cracker Barrel, Waffle House or Bob Evans, do you? You wouldn’t believe what I see people ordering every morning in the delis near my office. It makes this new BK sandwich look like a petit fore. It’s all about supply and demand. If people want to eat those sorts of sandwiches, they’ll find a way to eat them, even if they have to make them themselves. I don’t see why anyone should blame BK for offering it. People know what’s healthy and what isn’t. And they should be free to eat whateer they choose. I think it’s silly to put any of the blame on the suppliers.


  4. I’m not sure I believe that people are aware of how bad this really is for them. I really don’t believe it. Some, yes. But not everyone. And even if folks DO know, does that make it right? I have a problem with all of it, to be honest. It pisses me off that a place with a captivated audience (take Amtrak, for example) serves total garbage to everyone on board. Even the veggie burgers have about 650 calories and 45 grams of fat. It’s amazing to me. Why not serve something healthy at times where people NEED to eat and aren’t necessarily going to go elsewhere if they have to eat something (god for bid) healthy?


  5. Even a lot of healthy folks aren’t aware of what they’re eating some of the time. It was only recently where Toby and I realized that each slice of bread has more calories than that what we put in between them most of the time. It really doesn’t have to be that way when you have perfectly healthy and low calorie options. I’m not saying serve ONLY healthy breads, but walking into any store and seeing a hundred varieties of wonder bread is so frustrating.
    Ford or GM have the ability to make SUVs that are more fuel efficient yet they are not because they claim their buyers wouldn’t like the change (less horsepower would drive buyers elsewhere, and we all know how often the suburban housewife goes off-roading while she’s sipping her skim caramel macchiato from starbucks). I think they should be held accountable and, at the very least, give people the option of more fuel efficient cars.
    The same could be said for fast food chains. If you build it, they will come. :]


  6. But ultimately, I could care less what people eat. Really. I would love to have more healthy options from time to time. That’s all. :] Now, I will shut up and go back to what I know best: poop and fart talk. heh


  7. when we walk out of whole foods with a pineapple that cost $10…i think i sometimes resent that more than i do burger king selling high calorie food. true, in a perfect world, we would all grow our own perfect gardens.


  8. Well. Whole Foods charges an arm and a leg for everything. But you can get cheaper and healthy goods other places and not lose your entire paycheck. Whole Foods used to rob us blind. I’m diggin’ the corner fruit and vegetable stand these days. Thank goodness for them. :]


  9. You’re right, tho. I guess Burger King can do this if Whole Foods can do that. I wonder what they taste like anyway. Someone should order one and report back. I am sure they freakin rule.


  10. I remember a post awhile back regarding health care costs and how they are out of control. While I am all for the personal choice side of the coin there is another side to the argument that the current diet is going to cost people across the board when it comes to medical costs. The problem is that people are all about the dollar and 20 years from now these jackasses who eat these “fat machines” are going to blame society and others for their choices…

    Hell look at the fuckers who have sued the cigarette companies who are in their mid thirties…hate to tell them that for their ENTIRE lifetime there has been a warning label on cigs…but that did not stop their ratfucker of a lawyer from suing everyone under the sun. I do thing that Philip Morris and others got what they deserved when it came to reimbursing medical costs for states but these idiots who sue on the personal level just suck because at the end of the day people like you and I are going to pay through the nose for medical care…


  11. Sheri…to a certain extent I agree with leaving the supliers out of this but what about the marketing that they do?


  12. Marketing helps create culture and tastes. Fast food is cheap and available. When coupled with strong marketing campaigns you have a lot of folks who, for many reasons other than their tastebuds, become fast food patrons. In my mind, there are responsibilities beyond shareholder interests, and enforcement aside, anyone who helps sell this stuff (myself included, at times) should be ashamed. BK can be proud of a successful campaign. The marketing teams and execs signing off on these decisions should – as people – be ashamed. You don’t get to the top of the heap by caring about people, though…


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