Murray. We’ve Put Him On A Diet Because Holy Shit.


  1. Has he been sneaking your lollipops/baking while you weren’t looking?


  2. It appears so! But in all actuality, this is because we gave the 6-year-old cat feeding duties and that meant giving them ALL THE FOOD. So, the 6-year-old’s been fired and the cats are dieting. And mad as hell.


  3. The same thing happened at my house. I gave my 6 year old cat feeding duties because I thought it would be good for him to have such an important job to do. Unfortunately he way overfed my poor cat and she eats ALL the food you give her. She is not happy about her diet either. Poor kitty.


  4. HA! Poor Murray. He may not like the diet but he’ll certainly feel better when he’s back to normal. He’s still adorable as always!


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