Tuesdays With Murray (Chapter 133)

Murray enjoys sleeping on top of the cable box because it’s warm. And while I realize that he’s probably going to eventually burn the thing out, I just don’t have the heart half the time to disturb him. I mean, check this out?

Oh yes, he is actually sound asleep. Here’s a closer view.

I have no idea how this is considered comfortable, but who am I to judge?


  1. Everyone is posting cute cat pictures today. This makes me happy.


  2. Awww, Murray. Fuzzy and ridiculous.


  3. Cats are such simple and amazing creatures! I would love to be able to be that happy and content just because I found a warm spot to have a nap.


  4. I love you Murray.

    Mihow, I think he is praying to the god of warmth.


  5. The God of warmth! Yes. Or he played too much Wii and just fell down.


  6. It looks like Murray was overcome with exhaustion from, you know, LIFE and needed to nap immediately. Tired, floppy kitty.


  7. This just made my day. Thanks. :-)


  8. Murray is so awesome!


  9. It’s as if he fainted there!


  10. Aww! So, you have a cat with the same name as our dear departed dog. I know, this is real important info from some stranger commenting on your blog. I actually popped over from the dooce community to check out your blog after seeing you in posts there. Oh, & from one fellow blogger to another, you are totally adorable and I’d love to see your profile pic w/ a non-angry face….I know, again with the crazy stranger comments…but I just had to say it.


  11. Maybe Murray has a low thyroid. I once had a kitten that would get into the fireplace to get warm.


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