A Slice of Life (TWM: Ch 110)

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just wanna peek into someone’s everyday life and see what it looks like. Because really? Everyday life is kind of boring and usual, you know?

Today, I don’t have much for all you Murray lovers; I just have this boring, as is video of what it’s like to live with Murray every day. I hope it’s OK.

It’s a little embarrassing how much I love this cat.


  1. I love this cat!!!! Sometimes life is boring – that’s so true – but I love how Murray tries to put his head in between the wood bars of your chair (I’m totally drawing a blank on what these things are called LOL)

    Also, awesome font to leave comments, so big and clear I can see what I’m writing instead of those tiny boxes where it’s tough to make out the words.

    I have a cat too, she’s big and lazy but I love her especially on those boring days :)


  2. My mother just adopted a cat from our local SPCA about 2 months ago, and it is amazing how easy it is to fall in love with these guys! I don’t even live with them, but when I’m over there, I HAVE to cuddle with that cat. They’re such charmers!


  3. i just want to schmoozzle him up!


  4. Hope “Myrtle” doesn’t get his head stuck between the slats of the chair back! He’s so cool…totally unfazed by whatever it was that Em dumped all over the floor.


  5. Tee hee. I love all the raucous toddler sounds going on in the background and you and Murray don’t notice at all. Reminds me of my house! Like, Oh, the toddler’s at it again–we’ll just pick it up later.


  6. At the age of 32 I am finally not embarrassed of my own enormous love for my gatos (cats). I lend some of this to you, for Murray (and your other cats) surely deserve your love.

    PS. I love how Murray and you are so unfazed by the crashing sounds around you.

    PPS. I love Murray’s superlong toes. Make me want to nom them. :)


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