My Bookshelf.

I am currently addicted to this site. (Thanks to Jen and Sarah!) I started this morning and I can’t stop writing reviews! And I have work to do today. Anyone care to join me? I only have two friends at the moment.


  1. Yay! I need to get off my butt and pick up a few new books.


  2. Ummmm, are my friends emailed EVERY time I update with a new review/book? I hope to hell not! I just saw something that suggests that might be the case. That would be awful. Spammerific.


  3. You can change the settings as far as how often you received them if you go to My Account/My Preferences and then select “Send me new friend reviews” – daily, weekly or never.


  4. oooohhhhh… nice site. checking it out now. will probably just lurk though as my writing skills are rusty and i’m suppose to be productive at the moment. off to procrastinate now…


  5. Rusty writing skills? My reviews are written as though I was drunk at the time. Stream of consciousness, that’s what I did.


  6. For sure a great site. I’m going to have to bookmark it and get around to posting some reviews when I have time. Very cool!


  7. I just joined…
    I can see how easy itis to get addicted to that site. Yowza.

    Maybe it will even give me the impetus to finish the 10 books I am partway through…


  8. drunk review writing is highly encouraged*
    (*although i guess i shouldn’t encourage you for a few more weeks. focus on the Guinness mihow, focus on the Guiness…)


  9. Thanks for the new way for me to distract myself from other pressing matters!


  10. Hi! I found your link reading about Murray on Lisa BARC’s Flickr account. I also discovered good reads through you! I used to do my yearly book lists in Word. Now I can keep them online and share! Thanks! Can I become your Good Reads friend? I’m Sherrie by the way, nice to meet you. I volunteer at a no-kill animal shelter in Central PA so thank you for adopting the Murray man! Take care of yourselves!


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